Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Credit where credit is due:
Jeffrey Goldberg on airport security

In the following article, Jeffrey Goldberg gives a few quite staggering insights into security loopholes at American airports:

I'll save my usual "Half security is no security" rant for some other day. For now, go to Jeffrey Goldberg's article to get your daily dose of security lunacy.

-- Birgit

P.S.: The guy seems to have written some other reasonably interesting articles as well (which you can find here), as well as a book that, after the free reading sample on Amazon, I found compelling enough to actually order it. (It's supposed to be shipped within the next 5 to 8 weeks.)

Welcome to the Serene Logician

... who is, according to the Internet Anagram server, also known as

Eleanor Sciengi
Giles Cannoeire
Leonie Signcare
Signor Leaniece
Regina Elinosce
Celine Signorea
Gina Celerionie
Ironic Agnes Lee
Nicoise General
A sincere legion
Agile on sincere
Social Engineer

-- Birgit