Thursday, February 17, 2011

Terrorists, this way please!

Somewhere on the Zürich Airport...

... in the baggage claim area ...

... you will find the following sign on one baggage conveyor belt:

Roughly translated:

"To all employees in the customs hall / local unloading point:

Crossing from the customs hall to the local unloading point via this conveyor belt for bulky baggage is strictly prohibited for all persons!!!

A violation of this regulation is considered a circumvention of the security check and will be punished with 8 points and a 14 days revocation of your employee ID!!!

Well, why not directly put up a sign saying:

Dear Terrorists!

If you wish to secretly gain access to the most security critical parts of this airport, please feel free to use this huge gaping hole in our security concept to circumvent security checks."

Best regards,
Airport Security

On the upside, at least they don't seem to indulge in security by obscurity.

-- Birgit

(First picture courtesy of the Wikimedia Foundation:

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